hyukkie i wish i can smile happily right now D:
2010 i not looking forward.
Not at all.
thinking of those subjs i m goin to take stress me out.
sch will be ending late nxt yr too D:
need strt prep for o lvl...
i m stress from just thinking of it.
speaking of which my nxt yr form cher SUCKS.
zzz was planning to cut key fringe but cn forget it liao la.
go back sch still have to face sm damn bloody faces-.-
just have to endure and guai lan thm back lo.
no using com once sch strt.
physics and chem WTF!
physics wan me die isit?!
so hard la!
why almost all class have to be physics?!
i such a good bio student why dunwan put mre bio?=X
Life is full of ups and dwns.but i will try to overcome it.