Who is this?Super Junior.The only band i know with the 13 members in it.Not a member less or more.
Its been a month since i know you guys.But it seems i have known you a year ago. i feels attached to you guys already although its only been a month.I learnt tat suju fans are called E.L.F,everlasting friends.And I learnt tht super junior and E.L.F had been tgt thru thick and thin. Although i wasnt ther as a fan wen those past painful incidents happened,i could still feel the pain in my heart when i watched the vids. My heart feel so painful like it was bleeding.i wanted so much to cry out loud but i knew i should not cos those were the past and we must continue moving foward and look at the positive side.I laughed at those times when u guys were happy and together making jokes and pained at those sad incidents. Your smiles and laughters are the one i just wished for everyday.
I dont want you guys to feel troubled. Let us E.L.F be the one to tide through everyting with u guys. I promised as a E.L.F, i will protected all 13 of you no matter wat prob you face.Meeting downfalls again and again, i will prayed hard every night for everyting to turn out right. Even if i could have sleepless nights fro worrying,its okay to me as long as you guys are alright. So right now at this moment,i shall prayed for everyting happening to you guys right now to be alright.
I believed in all 13 of you. Many things happened in the past before and tgt we managed to pull through so i believed I BELIEVE that things will be alright soon.
Please do not bash our magnae,kyu.
I must stand strong right now cos crying hard would not help.
All i can do now is to pray hard for everyting to turn out right....