this is yy dedicated to zhuang and me on plurk!thanks love<3
I used to hold back my words for a these RIDICULOUS NONSENSE.
Fans have been holding back for a long while now so is abt time i speak up.
Not trying to bash those ppls out ther but i guess is time shld gt to say smth too.
I now heck care weather those ppls are my friends or watsoevr.
Doesnt mean i prefer my idols ovr u means i am acting all litat.IS NOT TRUE.
I treasure my friends mre then u tink okay.
okay is fine if u guys think tat we are over crazing this idols.
BUT! it doesnt shows tat we are too damn stupid until we dk the reality okay.
so creating this WHAT FOR?! Creating antis against you? RIDICULOUS!
no one will be too stupid to create antis for themselves right?!
okay we might be abit overboard by saying our idols are our "OURS" or watsoevr.
but in the end we still are in the right mind to know tat thy dun belong to us.
Some of us saying these are out of fun.FUN U GET IT?
if u dunknow wats the defination of fun do go for a brain checkup or look up on the
okay some of us are obsessed to them truth to say but isnt it up to us tat we obsess
them? Turning one WHOLE big round in the end is US who do wat we wan to do.
so doing these such things are u simply bored or trying to create antis for urself
or plain jelous?
We are not stupid enough to not know the reality.
Some ppls purposely chooses to comments bad on boybands just to anger fans out ther.
irritated tat we are too obsessed or jelous?
Let me tell you la.
Thy truly have talents PUL-LEASE! their songs are GREAT.
who wun admired them la. okay maybe some is bcos of their looks.
but please la! thy are truth to said handsome wat!
Got the talents and the looks who wun admire la!
these idols really worked hard to their dreams so i WONT let anyone bash them
i am not saying all these just bcos i am a fan.but it is a FACT.
i really dun understand why ppls must do all these la.
okay end.
mood spoiled liao.okay whatevr.
went on forum outing. ruined by the weather-.-
my mood is ruined wat else to be ruin?
i wish i could just do wat i shld do but this matter is really....UGH!nvms.
i am most irritated at these type of ppls la.
okay i wun continued ruining my own mood.
so bye.
Life is what a person made it to be.