hyukkie,you little anchovy ah u made my day again^^
among the school of anchovies,i will always treasure this one and only
special anchovy~
hehe donghae ah getting cuter each day uhs><
keke.my mum recognise suju now^^V
she know big bang and now suju! ahahaxD
what a great mother know who her daughter specially likes^^
hehe but she cnt recognise shinee and dbsk yet><
dbsk nearly.:P i was sleeping this morn wen she cm in my bedroom
and stare at all those posters on the wall and says which one is suju uh?
then at first she tot the big big bb poster was suju then jean say no
is the one got alot of members then she was like ohhs^^
last nite watching the suju shows and me and jean keep saying cute~
and my mum was like aiyo why ur keep saying cute 1 de.:)
mummy ah~ thy REALLY CUTE MAH:D
hmmm sry ah yy i cnt think for aaron story lehhs.><
cos i not into fahrenheit i only cn write ppls which i am into><
maybe i can write wookie or teukkie ones for you?
now i writing kyu and hae ones for jean><
hmmm i wish i can drink:P a good drinker^^
tmr appeal results will be out i forget to ask for leave><
zhuangie and ah yun ah can pei us tmr?
jean u btr not steal my anchovy!
take ur donghae uhs!
tsktsk hyukkie pants was pulled dwn during ehb by kanginxD
bought epop! hehe got chunnie and jae poster<3
and suju m,shinee:D
i am damn irritated with u but i will just keep my cool.