FOR THE SAKE OF AH YUN i shall blog.^^
hehe actually din post for 2 days cos i din cm on9 (:
hmmm wat shall i post todayyy?
watched star king today~
teukie ah~so flirt uh. :P
hmmmm i shall post my memories of how i know big bang,suju,dbsk.
keke :D might be boring but is still a post (:
Big Bang
hmmmm how shall i start uh.
lets say practically at first all the bands which i fell in love
with i had a vy bad views in them in the beginning=X tsktsk.
hmmm sec 1 Dec hols probably i fell in love with bb.
cn rmb jean and ah zhuangie was crazing over them.
then at tat time i addict audi or smting?
so everyday audi-ed and audi-ed lo.=X
not audi then watch hana kimi (:
then EVERYDAY i mean EVERDAY! jean will watched big bang
vids lo then will like kip tell me "wah vy handsome sio"
then i was like "AIYOH!ADDICT THEM FOR WAT LA!not like they tat nice!"=X
now i REGRETTED!*sweeps back those word.
then i audi-ed.
played with my gans then they oso tell me big bang songs vy nice
ask me go hear. so i just hear haru haru aft everyones much
persuasion. tsktsk.
so haruharu was actually my very 1st mv and song. NOT lollipop i realised.
then jean show me lollipop.I at first saw lollipop i was like WTF!=X
i kept laughing at gd mostly.AHHHH! i REGRETTED!
then i kept replayed replayed replayed.
then litat lo i fell in love with them.out of stupidity.tsktsk:D
I kip thinking dae was yang.and yang was dae.
I fell in love with seungri aft hearing his voice in lollipop.
and i was like ay he wear so cute^^V
Dae and fell in love ltr.^^ I realised he was damn cheerful always smiling,
his smile lit up my life :D
okayyy so end of my big bang stry.
I was crazy abt big bang first b4 dbsk.
and at tat time i kept rivaling big bang and dbsk.=X
jean and zhuangie was DBSK-ing at tat time too~
i really hate dbsk at tat time.(omg i am sooo ashamed luhs.)
really negative tots.(thinking of the past,HEARTBROKEN)
then one fine day,jean show me a pic of dbsk in epop?
she said."Fann,at least tell me who u prefer in dbsk."
i was like glance and take.
first impression of junsu:ay handsome lehhs,he must be the leader got the look of a leader.
first impression of jae:oh this guy ah i know him ah.Zhuangie kips talking abt him.
first impression of Changmin:oh this one i also know,bcos of jean.
first impression of Yunho:ay this one idk. like seldom heard abt him uhhs.
first impression of yoochun:this guy vy nice^^heard fro jean he vry nice(:
soo i points at YOOCHUN^^V
and i oso dk why I FELL IN LOVE WITH THEM(:
at first not really interest in the full band just YOOCHUN.
i went to research on YOOCHUN.
and i also like junsu ltr.HE WAS VY CUTEEEE~
then i love the whole band aft listening their song^^
b4 i knew dbsk i first heard doushite by dbsk on zhuangie blog
wen she came over my hse with ah bear clique^^
sooo DOUSHITE was my first song!*clapps
i oso dk how i know them.mostly yy^^
oso sylvia quek and yun ting:)
hmmm but all started with theresa hun:D
she cm my hse and let me hear sry sry.
got addicted to the song but not into suju.
then went out with mx,zhuang,sherlin they all.
mx sent me sry sry mv.
thn slyvia,yunting and yy everyday talks of suju got me slighty interested.
on my bday,sylvia cm in class and tell me tat i had the same birthday as teuk.
i was like who is teuk? then thy say is suju leader.
i was like ooooo is yy tat fav.:)
then during hols i started addicting them.LOL
i first saw sry sry mv donghae,heechul and kyuhyun
like vy beng=X
lazy to write long so i cut cut cut.^^
ok byebye.