physics SUCK!
and u dun kno how much i hate itD:
i JUST HATE IT!hahas
aft physic lesson went to eat lunch with the big bang clique and then we went tampines mall
went to comic connection first n i bought dbsk poster:D
ten we go the toys r us and fooled around ther^^
play with the swords LOLLOL!
ten aft tat gt this grp of guys younger ten us came in and start being lame too
they talk vy angmoh-ish
gwen say go tamp hunt dwn hot boys
saw one guy working at toy r us
he is hot hahaxD
he looks almost like the now gd
except hair colour darker lo....
ten we stalk him in toys r us
lol we keep run here run ther lols
anyway i m really proud of myself for completing changmin story:D
i just want to say i hate ppls who COPIES ughD:<
abt the 2pm jay thing....:D
although i m not a fan of jay
i feel sad for jay and his fans
aft seeing the departure of him at the airport
seriously i dun understand all those fcuking ppls who always like to pick on these famous idols like wat happen to poor GD
eh seriously dun they have btr things to do
this really pisses me off alot
they work hard and managed to fufil their own dreams as singers and why must ther be sm fcuking ppls who love to pick on them?D:<
you know how touching it is to imagine if u were them and u r happy enough to be able to enjoy singing and performing in front of all your fans and being glad to be able to make ur fans smile?
i not usually a emotional person but seeing all these concerts really made me feel like crying cos i kno how it feels like....(:
i was really inspired by all of these idols
I love them because they work hard to fufil their dreams.
I love them because of their voices and their beautifully composed songs.
I dun judge them by their physical appearances.
As long as they r great singers i will SUPPORT them forever:D
i first judged bb and dbsk by their songs(:
my first song for bb was actually lies nt lollipop actually.
it came out in audition and i played tat song and i found it was really nice n my audi meis recommended me to hear other of their songs and tat how i became a crazy fan of big bang^^
my first dbsk song was doushite
although wen i first heard it on ah zhuang blog,i found it really nice but i still wasnt really into dbsk until i hear the other songs
but seriously until nw i dun really consider myself as a dbsk fan though n i dun kno why ....lol....
bye bye i claim my justice alrd^^