anw jus nw watch mirotic offscene,hear the chin ver and watch the slowmotion
the slowmo 1 the song like wan die litat lo
recently i m vy lazy to post vy long post hahas
anw i want to pierce my ears now
cos i want buy bb n tvxq earrings^^
lol i mayb ownself make a bb and dbsk ring:D
oh and i tink i m addicting to another jap band
my bro intro de
name complicated rite?bt its nice lolsxD
they look 2o+ bt they r 40 (:
the lead singer gt a nice vocals~
i like the leader he is vy shuai:D
tetsu,the bass^^
i oso like the drummer he vy COOL~
i realise how much i miss jpop aft watchin the concert dvd which my bro borrow fro his fren LOL
the three of us were discussing abt kpop n jpop
LOL i like talking to him abt tis topic
he knos alot esp jpop
he say angmoh songs vy retard cos the lyrics kip repeat repeat 1 de
watched dbsk n the l'arc~en~Ciel with him n we talk hahas
he agreed wif us tat those fans who scream wen singers sing are idiot ass who dun appreciate music.
he say they scream so noisy how to hear-.-
amazing thing is tat he say his fren mad abt jpop ten wen he go hmv tat time bought 12 album at a time i was O.O
he is crazy so rich ah
