5:44 PM
Yohs:DDD Totally love this skin larhs;D Jia Qi must be glad i nt emo liaos:) i change skin le okays? smore white one! tee hee:D nt really white larhs;d Jia Yi i am posting liaos le;DD i really bo hua jiang larhs...haha:DD my taggyboard oso just died liaos.... it is suppperrr dead larhsD: anw am ANXIOUSLY w8ing for the season 2 of la corda and teir manga chpt 57!!!!X3 read chpt 55 the tsuchiura tell tsukimori his feeling for hino lehs!!!XD chpt 56 tsukimori realising his feeling for hino liaos:DDDD lala~ end!!! FLPF
5:44 PM
Yohs:DDD Totally love this skin larhs;D Jia Qi must be glad i nt emo liaos:) i change skin le okays? smore white one! tee hee:D nt really white larhs;d Jia Yi i am posting liaos le;DD i really bo hua jiang larhs...haha:DD my taggyboard oso just died liaos.... it is suppperrr dead larhsD: anw am ANXIOUSLY w8ing for the season 2 of la corda and teir manga chpt 57!!!!X3 read chpt 55 the tsuchiura tell tsukimori his feeling for hino lehs!!!XD chpt 56 tsukimori realising his feeling for hino liaos:DDDD lala~ end!!! FLPF
010795'. obsessed to Kpop.
Go crazy over Ri,Chunnie,Wonnie,Onew.
Jong, alex, eli and kiseop are my brother=X In love with Jessica!
Gans are LOVED.
I am crazy, so what:D
Much Thanks,
브라우저: 모질라 파이어 폭스 / Google 크롬
화면 해상도: 1280 엑스 800픽셀
숙주: 블로거
loveeee kpop!:D
imma crazy one!
simply love my gans<3,
and i do have some awesome brothers:x!
Do link me on binguelbinguelkissme.tumblr too!:D
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