8:00 PM
DDD; omg why must so many bad thing happen recently.... please dont let a stupid matter poil our relationship bahsD: i canot believe tat tis relationship is comin to end soon... hiaz....
i watch la corda almost the whole day today lorhs:DDD it rocks:))) anw i am damn bloody angry wif the sch on fri cn... make us sit under the sun for sooo long lehs... siao arh! we all nearly roasted lorhs... bloody hell.... kip making some bloody false alarm sia.....
8:00 PM
DDD; omg why must so many bad thing happen recently.... please dont let a stupid matter poil our relationship bahsD: i canot believe tat tis relationship is comin to end soon... hiaz....
i watch la corda almost the whole day today lorhs:DDD it rocks:))) anw i am damn bloody angry wif the sch on fri cn... make us sit under the sun for sooo long lehs... siao arh! we all nearly roasted lorhs... bloody hell.... kip making some bloody false alarm sia.....
010795'. obsessed to Kpop.
Go crazy over Ri,Chunnie,Wonnie,Onew.
Jong, alex, eli and kiseop are my brother=X In love with Jessica!
Gans are LOVED.
I am crazy, so what:D
Much Thanks,
브라우저: 모질라 파이어 폭스 / Google 크롬
화면 해상도: 1280 엑스 800픽셀
숙주: 블로거
loveeee kpop!:D
imma crazy one!
simply love my gans<3,
and i do have some awesome brothers:x!
Do link me on binguelbinguelkissme.tumblr too!:D
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