Yes You. I love you.

Can I be your one and only ?

6:58 PM

omg yunho oppa i really admire u for being a strong leader.
Fighting yunho~

jae oppa you really gone through alot...
never give up always fighting because u are the HERO:D

micky oppa ah although u are away from ur familly do remember tat no matter
how far they are from you, they are always still with u....
i admire you for being such a caring member of ur family^^
fighting micky oppa~
DBSK come a really long way...i m really proud of them
for nvr giving up and now is a internationally famous band:D
it is really worth dropping tears aft reading their life story(:

yeah tmr will be a SLACKY day(:
got back chem,maths,geog and eng,lit results today.
ok la quite sastified.
maths 81/100
chem 33/50
lit 62/100
geog 35/50

at least a improvements ^^
darn i dread physics...


loveeee kpop!:D
imma crazy one!
simply love my gans<3,
and i do have some awesome brothers:x!
Do link me on binguelbinguelkissme.tumblr too!:D

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