9:33 PM
 recieve bac all pp today except art luh:) humanities gt 32/50....eng 28/50D= deprove alotalot luh.....UGHHH! going thru the eng pp me n gwen listen to music=D ILOVE LOLLIPOP luh:DDD ITROCK! was min ho-ing n kim bum-ing agn durin maths:D aft sch walk wib clique:) jean tell tem i do the actions for the big bang lollipop almost the same as big bang-.- yy ten ask me show tem.....lol ps luh so mani ppls.....:X yy say i must memorise the whole steps ten i show tem.... teehee startin 2 gt a little bit btr=X mz ten say she will rec put on youtube ten becm youtube most watched vid:D hahaXD I LOVE SUENGRI:DDD i guess i admit i m kind od addicted to big bang:) aft tat head to meet up wib mx my si toot laobu:B we stroll at tamp1 n century 4 awhile:) BULLIES the si laopei too!!!haha:D usual squabbling between the 2 si parents-.- over the custody of me LOL!XD si laobu say wan divorce si laopei marry yi jung.... si laopei say wan marry me to woobin=.= ten i say i ten dun wan the 2 si parents i go make living myself bcm famous oso dun gib tem a damn:D ten si laobu say wan marry me to yi jung father....NOWAY man!!! ten si laopei say wan take ji hoo,woo bin n jun pyo ten marry me to yi jung ten leave si laobu wib yi jung father-.- jus realize tat if i marry tem i will bcm 100% gay.....cos i erzi mah....lmao went 2 mx hse aft tat:D si laopei com-ing agn ten erzi n si laobu CRAPS agn! DREW ji hoo:D din draw the facial cos ltr disfigure him million will aft me uh.... took sm photos bt i decide upload 2 onli:) IWANT GEEKY SPECS!!!!!D= Drop.Dead.Bang
9:33 PM
 recieve bac all pp today except art luh:) humanities gt 32/50....eng 28/50D= deprove alotalot luh.....UGHHH! going thru the eng pp me n gwen listen to music=D ILOVE LOLLIPOP luh:DDD ITROCK! was min ho-ing n kim bum-ing agn durin maths:D aft sch walk wib clique:) jean tell tem i do the actions for the big bang lollipop almost the same as big bang-.- yy ten ask me show tem.....lol ps luh so mani ppls.....:X yy say i must memorise the whole steps ten i show tem.... teehee startin 2 gt a little bit btr=X mz ten say she will rec put on youtube ten becm youtube most watched vid:D hahaXD I LOVE SUENGRI:DDD i guess i admit i m kind od addicted to big bang:) aft tat head to meet up wib mx my si toot laobu:B we stroll at tamp1 n century 4 awhile:) BULLIES the si laopei too!!!haha:D usual squabbling between the 2 si parents-.- over the custody of me LOL!XD si laobu say wan divorce si laopei marry yi jung.... si laopei say wan marry me to woobin=.= ten i say i ten dun wan the 2 si parents i go make living myself bcm famous oso dun gib tem a damn:D ten si laobu say wan marry me to yi jung father....NOWAY man!!! ten si laopei say wan take ji hoo,woo bin n jun pyo ten marry me to yi jung ten leave si laobu wib yi jung father-.- jus realize tat if i marry tem i will bcm 100% gay.....cos i erzi mah....lmao went 2 mx hse aft tat:D si laopei com-ing agn ten erzi n si laobu CRAPS agn! DREW ji hoo:D din draw the facial cos ltr disfigure him million will aft me uh.... took sm photos bt i decide upload 2 onli:) IWANT GEEKY SPECS!!!!!D= Drop.Dead.Bang
010795'. obsessed to Kpop.
Go crazy over Ri,Chunnie,Wonnie,Onew.
Jong, alex, eli and kiseop are my brother=X In love with Jessica!
Gans are LOVED.
I am crazy, so what:D
Much Thanks,
브라우저: 모질라 파이어 폭스 / Google 크롬
화면 해상도: 1280 엑스 800픽셀
숙주: 블로거
loveeee kpop!:D
imma crazy one!
simply love my gans<3,
and i do have some awesome brothers:x!
Do link me on binguelbinguelkissme.tumblr too!:D
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