7:53 PM
Cre8 a blog for the 3 rockers:) lala~ nth to say:D tee hee! FLPF
7:03 PM
OMGOMG!!!!!La Corda d'Oro 2 is outtttt!episode 1 isss out!!!!x3la corda seriously inspires me alot in music!wtf larh tat stupid new teacher and the red hair guy suckkkks!!!D:anw la corda rockkkk hardcore:)))FLPF
6:26 PM
:D2nd april will be da day of syf:)Coral concert band jiayous worh;Dmight b meeting up wif ray kor,his audi gans, his couple nxt wed...lols he tell 2 ask more ppl 2 meet up 2gther:Dwanna ask mabel, kerlyn and x3BBT to come too X3TEEHEEFLPF
8:49 PM
     today audi wif my gans and frens agn:D i played 1 game wif one person...we pt random and every song was like sooo SLOW larh....-.- my audi improve alot liaos:)) i could smtime do fm for fast songs:DD and chance 1 until abt 130? nw training c2 tooo;D TEEHEE! went band today.... jus onli attend the 1st period of the day niaaa:) cos gt the syf sound check;D cm back suppose to hab band bt cancel cos many ppl was falling ill... so it became individual... anw i wanna thanks cass jie for listening 2 all my silly probs yeah:) we had lunch break b4 startin individual:) walked around the third lvl finding cg friends:) talk to charmine and jia qi;D anw Jia Qi cheer uppp yeah:DD no matter wat we will always b ther 4 u:) Sm SS of 2day audi-ing:))) FLPF
7:54 PM
Heyyyy:Djia yi nuer went for a floorball competition 2dayyyy!hope she winXDtmr is my turn 2 skip classes!!!gt syf sound check tmr so onli goin 4 the 1st period tmr:)))lala~played audi with my di x3BBT and Ting mei and jia yi nuer:Dsaw my ex club dance partner o.oFLPF
8:18 PM
:Dhad physics remedial aft sch todayD;was such a waste of time in the end still dun understand....zzz....aft tat went 2 the library 2 find charmine and jia jing do the physic proj:)in the end still nva do cos gt the leadership stuff held in the libraryso dun allow us use the pc...ten we jus sit dwn ther watch the leadership stuff 4 sec 3:Dthe person doin the leadership thing used 2 in charge of my classlast time de 4 leadership o.Oshe was realli funny:)))aft tat go hm lorh...ten met zw @ mac outside...o.oblablabla...:Dgo hm play audi with my dear gans:)ray kor and ting mei;DIL them<3going 2 meet up wif ray kor soon he bringing hisaudi dear along too and more ppl o.olol meet up once togther!!!FLPF
10:36 PM
last min chiong do finish my hm econs:DDDlala~10 Qs leh wan us 20 pg nvm i do 14 nia:)))stupid pig trotter D:today i made up my mind and decided 2 stay in band....demo.... mayb aft syf i reconsiderin....the jrs for perc was 3 only nia....fatin,jody and malcom....so little...teehee!watch sky of love today lala~completed ep 3 movin on 2 4 it was realli sad they lost theirchildDDD;FLPF
9:21 PM
   Hey:DDD today jus found out ray kor bday was on 4 jano.O anw wish him a VERY belated birthday...;D deb-o-rah bday is nxt tues....lol:D i bo liao go sms ppl wen their bday durin class:D chatterbox turning fourteennnn liao;D anw saw chris sis on the bus today....o.o Sky of Love恋空 and Boys ESte BOYSエステ rock hardcore^^ ILY!!!! yeah here is the SS of the sky of love^ oso sm of my audi pics i play 2day:DD lala~ flpf
5:17 PM
Hey:DD Realli love this current song i hab 4 my blog:B it is the op for boys este:))) Boys Este ROCK!X3 i hab the manga vol 1:DDD my birthday mz is gonnna bring me 2 escape;D i wanna my bday to cm fasterXD i want all my audi gans to cm toooo!!!! cant w8 2 meet ray kor agn:) i seriously miss mabel and kerlyn meiD; i wanna meet them!!!! I wanna my audi family to reunite agn...jus like b4:))) recently jus play audi wif mz,ray,mx,hui min,ting and connie meiD; I WANT A RENIUON!!!!!!! lols dunno wether reniuon is spell correctly.... anw my audi family ROCKS!!!! hope ting mei is doing well in her studies in austrialia.... she even had the time to audi wif us o.O LEVEL 12 alrd!!!! ty toot lao bu 4 helpin me pass licence:)))
1:27 PM
i had made this decision alrd pls do nt force me anymore.... i know it is hard.....
stop calling leh...:/
wa lao today sucky larh.... anw x3BBT becm my di 2day:DD
i am nt a person who cn stand tight schedule cos it SUCKS!!!!
it doesnt seem to hab my own personal time....
i shall end here. FLPF
8:26 PM
I had enough....i made my promise...bt in the end i decided to break it...i know it is hard to make this choice bt i had to do it smhw sooner or ltr...i had reach my limit so let say syonara....:/the auto gate in my hm kind of spoil so kana stuck in the house....couldnt go remedial or whatsoever bt it manage to gt fix in time 4 project;Dcouldnt find any place to do in ws soooo did it at the void deck...lolskind of sucky 2day....cos....first thing i kana kaopei secondly ltr saw alot of chee bye ppl....wth larhs....lol anw saw a young guy which look like fong wei liang;Dmz and me name him fong jr:)hahaanw wanna let ray kor kno tat i will support him in any decisions he make in the end:DDD
9:04 PM
yohs;Dwent 4 physic remedial early in the morning...bt was late sooo join 2/9:Dwas all along destroying zhuang table:)))left yours truly signature on YY table while she was away on holi;Dltr hor go bowl wif mz and my sis;Dtat cheese and mouse was eating the pasta while domo was goofing away;DRAWR!bo liao so ask ray my audi kor cm out meet up:))mz pangseh me go hm change clothes and i grab mx along 2 c him:Dactuali cal deb along bt she was grounded HAHA!she tooo talkative:Xwe sit at the staircase eat our sotong ball while w8ing until 2.30 4 ray 2 cm;Dhad MUCH diff in looking out 4 him lols~ther was MANY guys in black tee...we kana shocked thio so many times...finalli ask him cm look out 4 us himself....he SAW me!!!so clever...bt domo mor CLEVER muahaha:Dso stroll around tm and century....jean was his mei oso bt nv talk 2 him 1....so i was the 1 who wasdoing all the crappings....we went comic cnnection 1st....bought the boys este manga ther!!!!deb and zhuang was like kip calling us asking abt ray....ltr mx and j wan go the lovely land shop we stay ther 4 sm time...ten mz say wan cm find us....we went toys r us and fool round ther....meet up mz ther...ten aft tat mz went off with sherlin go orchard ten me,j go mx hm lorh...ray kor go lan play meet up wif us in audi...play audi in mx hm:DDDwah 2 zhabor wan hong my kor lehs....sm stupid guy wan me and zhuang break couple in audi....wth larhsanw me,mx and j were the TOOTS family!lala~MX-toot lao bu!J-toot lao pei!ME-toot erzi!LOL!aft tat went back hm...audi agn...wif my mei kerlyn and my kor ray;Ddid play wif my crap partner x3BBT and my another mei ting!LOLS~they r the best audi gans:DDi miss mabel mei....FLPF
10:41 PM
:DDDplay audi wif my kor,meis and dis:DDDmy mei mabel recently nva play audi wif her liaosD:nva sms 2....miss her larhsD;bt anw my kor gt play wif me 2day;Dmy dearest mei oso:Dwif my teamate x3BBT 2:DI AM DOMO!X3troughout the game kip say i domokun;Dlols!RAWR!crapping wif them i the BEST!XDglad tat cn play audi nw recently:DDDlalas~FLPF
1:53 PM
Alrites...i hab decided 2 post 2day:DDrecently been playing loads of audi;Denter tis rm which had a lot of CRAPPERS;DDDhahas~crap wif tem lo...made sm audi mei and kor and di:)))exchange hp nos;Dcontinue our crappings through the hp:DDDwe practically CRAP everyday:DFLPF
9:15 PM
:/ i feel emotionless in the morning till aft sch... i even drew emotionless pictures...lol today even had tat bloody ccm thingy.... stay 4 15 min nia ten run off for individ prac:DD help malcom wif the crash as usual:))) he really improving;D Great work! i gt really hyper during band..TEEHEE;DDD kept running around wen playing the pieces:D malcom is CUTE larhs:)) his emo on his face was like in a daze....lol aft tat walk wif jia en,silvia they all....it was like sooo longgg since i walked wif them... anyway wanna say sorri krish..... lalas~ FLPF
5:44 PM
Yohs:DDD Totally love this skin larhs;D Jia Qi must be glad i nt emo liaos:) i change skin le okays? smore white one! tee hee:D nt really white larhs;d Jia Yi i am posting liaos le;DD i really bo hua jiang larhs...haha:DD my taggyboard oso just died liaos.... it is suppperrr dead larhsD: anw am ANXIOUSLY w8ing for the season 2 of la corda and teir manga chpt 57!!!!X3 read chpt 55 the tsuchiura tell tsukimori his feeling for hino lehs!!!XD chpt 56 tsukimori realising his feeling for hino liaos:DDDD lala~ end!!! FLPF
8:25 PM
the manga stop at the part wher the red hair guy was almost coming inDDDD; gimmmee my manga!!!!! i wanna read.... i am sooo addicted to it :DDD lalas~
7:45 PM
 teacher:))  da transfer!:DD kaji aoi  i duno this one yet.... yohs;D lately i hab been reading la corda mangas online!!!!! i reading season 2 one:DDD heard the anime coming out on march!!!!! cant wait sia!!! jia en must be happy bahs:))) anw season 2 will hab 3 more new charac:) soo shuai lorhs;DDD 1 is teacher.... gt 1 is transfer in.....he look like ichijo....everyone say so tooo:)))) superrrr shuai larhs:) he isss sooooo damn talented and shuai lorhs:DDD he play tennis...tee hee! he is interested in kahoko tooo:DDDD pictures of the new characs up!
7:53 PM
Cre8 a blog for the 3 rockers:) lala~ nth to say:D tee hee! FLPF
7:03 PM
OMGOMG!!!!!La Corda d'Oro 2 is outtttt!episode 1 isss out!!!!x3la corda seriously inspires me alot in music!wtf larh tat stupid new teacher and the red hair guy suckkkks!!!D:anw la corda rockkkk hardcore:)))FLPF
6:26 PM
:D2nd april will be da day of syf:)Coral concert band jiayous worh;Dmight b meeting up wif ray kor,his audi gans, his couple nxt wed...lols he tell 2 ask more ppl 2 meet up 2gther:Dwanna ask mabel, kerlyn and x3BBT to come too X3TEEHEEFLPF
8:49 PM
     today audi wif my gans and frens agn:D i played 1 game wif one person...we pt random and every song was like sooo SLOW larh....-.- my audi improve alot liaos:)) i could smtime do fm for fast songs:DD and chance 1 until abt 130? nw training c2 tooo;D TEEHEE! went band today.... jus onli attend the 1st period of the day niaaa:) cos gt the syf sound check;D cm back suppose to hab band bt cancel cos many ppl was falling ill... so it became individual... anw i wanna thanks cass jie for listening 2 all my silly probs yeah:) we had lunch break b4 startin individual:) walked around the third lvl finding cg friends:) talk to charmine and jia qi;D anw Jia Qi cheer uppp yeah:DD no matter wat we will always b ther 4 u:) Sm SS of 2day audi-ing:))) FLPF
7:54 PM
Heyyyy:Djia yi nuer went for a floorball competition 2dayyyy!hope she winXDtmr is my turn 2 skip classes!!!gt syf sound check tmr so onli goin 4 the 1st period tmr:)))lala~played audi with my di x3BBT and Ting mei and jia yi nuer:Dsaw my ex club dance partner o.oFLPF
8:18 PM
:Dhad physics remedial aft sch todayD;was such a waste of time in the end still dun understand....zzz....aft tat went 2 the library 2 find charmine and jia jing do the physic proj:)in the end still nva do cos gt the leadership stuff held in the libraryso dun allow us use the pc...ten we jus sit dwn ther watch the leadership stuff 4 sec 3:Dthe person doin the leadership thing used 2 in charge of my classlast time de 4 leadership o.Oshe was realli funny:)))aft tat go hm lorh...ten met zw @ mac outside...o.oblablabla...:Dgo hm play audi with my dear gans:)ray kor and ting mei;DIL them<3going 2 meet up wif ray kor soon he bringing hisaudi dear along too and more ppl o.olol meet up once togther!!!FLPF
10:36 PM
last min chiong do finish my hm econs:DDDlala~10 Qs leh wan us 20 pg nvm i do 14 nia:)))stupid pig trotter D:today i made up my mind and decided 2 stay in band....demo.... mayb aft syf i reconsiderin....the jrs for perc was 3 only nia....fatin,jody and malcom....so little...teehee!watch sky of love today lala~completed ep 3 movin on 2 4 it was realli sad they lost theirchildDDD;FLPF
9:21 PM
   Hey:DDD today jus found out ray kor bday was on 4 jano.O anw wish him a VERY belated birthday...;D deb-o-rah bday is nxt tues....lol:D i bo liao go sms ppl wen their bday durin class:D chatterbox turning fourteennnn liao;D anw saw chris sis on the bus today....o.o Sky of Love恋空 and Boys ESte BOYSエステ rock hardcore^^ ILY!!!! yeah here is the SS of the sky of love^ oso sm of my audi pics i play 2day:DD lala~ flpf
5:17 PM
Hey:DD Realli love this current song i hab 4 my blog:B it is the op for boys este:))) Boys Este ROCK!X3 i hab the manga vol 1:DDD my birthday mz is gonnna bring me 2 escape;D i wanna my bday to cm fasterXD i want all my audi gans to cm toooo!!!! cant w8 2 meet ray kor agn:) i seriously miss mabel and kerlyn meiD; i wanna meet them!!!! I wanna my audi family to reunite agn...jus like b4:))) recently jus play audi wif mz,ray,mx,hui min,ting and connie meiD; I WANT A RENIUON!!!!!!! lols dunno wether reniuon is spell correctly.... anw my audi family ROCKS!!!! hope ting mei is doing well in her studies in austrialia.... she even had the time to audi wif us o.O LEVEL 12 alrd!!!! ty toot lao bu 4 helpin me pass licence:)))
1:27 PM
i had made this decision alrd pls do nt force me anymore.... i know it is hard.....
stop calling leh...:/
wa lao today sucky larh.... anw x3BBT becm my di 2day:DD
i am nt a person who cn stand tight schedule cos it SUCKS!!!!
it doesnt seem to hab my own personal time....
i shall end here. FLPF
8:26 PM
I had enough....i made my promise...bt in the end i decided to break it...i know it is hard to make this choice bt i had to do it smhw sooner or ltr...i had reach my limit so let say syonara....:/the auto gate in my hm kind of spoil so kana stuck in the house....couldnt go remedial or whatsoever bt it manage to gt fix in time 4 project;Dcouldnt find any place to do in ws soooo did it at the void deck...lolskind of sucky 2day....cos....first thing i kana kaopei secondly ltr saw alot of chee bye ppl....wth larhs....lol anw saw a young guy which look like fong wei liang;Dmz and me name him fong jr:)hahaanw wanna let ray kor kno tat i will support him in any decisions he make in the end:DDD
9:04 PM
yohs;Dwent 4 physic remedial early in the morning...bt was late sooo join 2/9:Dwas all along destroying zhuang table:)))left yours truly signature on YY table while she was away on holi;Dltr hor go bowl wif mz and my sis;Dtat cheese and mouse was eating the pasta while domo was goofing away;DRAWR!bo liao so ask ray my audi kor cm out meet up:))mz pangseh me go hm change clothes and i grab mx along 2 c him:Dactuali cal deb along bt she was grounded HAHA!she tooo talkative:Xwe sit at the staircase eat our sotong ball while w8ing until 2.30 4 ray 2 cm;Dhad MUCH diff in looking out 4 him lols~ther was MANY guys in black tee...we kana shocked thio so many times...finalli ask him cm look out 4 us himself....he SAW me!!!so clever...bt domo mor CLEVER muahaha:Dso stroll around tm and century....jean was his mei oso bt nv talk 2 him 1....so i was the 1 who wasdoing all the crappings....we went comic cnnection 1st....bought the boys este manga ther!!!!deb and zhuang was like kip calling us asking abt ray....ltr mx and j wan go the lovely land shop we stay ther 4 sm time...ten mz say wan cm find us....we went toys r us and fool round ther....meet up mz ther...ten aft tat mz went off with sherlin go orchard ten me,j go mx hm lorh...ray kor go lan play meet up wif us in audi...play audi in mx hm:DDDwah 2 zhabor wan hong my kor lehs....sm stupid guy wan me and zhuang break couple in audi....wth larhsanw me,mx and j were the TOOTS family!lala~MX-toot lao bu!J-toot lao pei!ME-toot erzi!LOL!aft tat went back hm...audi agn...wif my mei kerlyn and my kor ray;Ddid play wif my crap partner x3BBT and my another mei ting!LOLS~they r the best audi gans:DDi miss mabel mei....FLPF
10:41 PM
:DDDplay audi wif my kor,meis and dis:DDDmy mei mabel recently nva play audi wif her liaosD:nva sms 2....miss her larhsD;bt anw my kor gt play wif me 2day;Dmy dearest mei oso:Dwif my teamate x3BBT 2:DI AM DOMO!X3troughout the game kip say i domokun;Dlols!RAWR!crapping wif them i the BEST!XDglad tat cn play audi nw recently:DDDlalas~FLPF
1:53 PM
Alrites...i hab decided 2 post 2day:DDrecently been playing loads of audi;Denter tis rm which had a lot of CRAPPERS;DDDhahas~crap wif tem lo...made sm audi mei and kor and di:)))exchange hp nos;Dcontinue our crappings through the hp:DDDwe practically CRAP everyday:DFLPF
9:15 PM
:/ i feel emotionless in the morning till aft sch... i even drew emotionless pictures...lol today even had tat bloody ccm thingy.... stay 4 15 min nia ten run off for individ prac:DD help malcom wif the crash as usual:))) he really improving;D Great work! i gt really hyper during band..TEEHEE;DDD kept running around wen playing the pieces:D malcom is CUTE larhs:)) his emo on his face was like in a daze....lol aft tat walk wif jia en,silvia they all....it was like sooo longgg since i walked wif them... anyway wanna say sorri krish..... lalas~ FLPF
5:44 PM
Yohs:DDD Totally love this skin larhs;D Jia Qi must be glad i nt emo liaos:) i change skin le okays? smore white one! tee hee:D nt really white larhs;d Jia Yi i am posting liaos le;DD i really bo hua jiang larhs...haha:DD my taggyboard oso just died liaos.... it is suppperrr dead larhsD: anw am ANXIOUSLY w8ing for the season 2 of la corda and teir manga chpt 57!!!!X3 read chpt 55 the tsuchiura tell tsukimori his feeling for hino lehs!!!XD chpt 56 tsukimori realising his feeling for hino liaos:DDDD lala~ end!!! FLPF
8:25 PM
the manga stop at the part wher the red hair guy was almost coming inDDDD; gimmmee my manga!!!!! i wanna read.... i am sooo addicted to it :DDD lalas~
7:45 PM
 teacher:))  da transfer!:DD kaji aoi  i duno this one yet.... yohs;D lately i hab been reading la corda mangas online!!!!! i reading season 2 one:DDD heard the anime coming out on march!!!!! cant wait sia!!! jia en must be happy bahs:))) anw season 2 will hab 3 more new charac:) soo shuai lorhs;DDD 1 is teacher.... gt 1 is transfer in.....he look like ichijo....everyone say so tooo:)))) superrrr shuai larhs:) he isss sooooo damn talented and shuai lorhs:DDD he play tennis...tee hee! he is interested in kahoko tooo:DDDD pictures of the new characs up!
010795'. obsessed to Kpop.
Go crazy over Ri,Chunnie,Wonnie,Onew.
Jong, alex, eli and kiseop are my brother=X In love with Jessica!
Gans are LOVED.
I am crazy, so what:D
Much Thanks,
브라우저: 모질라 파이어 폭스 / Google 크롬
화면 해상도: 1280 엑스 800픽셀
숙주: 블로거
loveeee kpop!:D
imma crazy one!
simply love my gans<3,
and i do have some awesome brothers:x!
Do link me on binguelbinguelkissme.tumblr too!:D
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