Recently i came back fro band camp....It was quite fun!There was games...of course...My fav one was the last game,er hem...i mean should 2nd las 1 ba.aiyah duno la...We were kind of suppose to
enter opponents' place and try to take la!zzzz..=.=
Wen the juniors and some of the seniors do the foot drill tat time, the other seniors threw WATER @ us!!!Omy gosh!it was like so suddenly lor!but anyway it was quite refreshing.......ah.....:]
okay...As usual, there is ghost stories,like wat usuali most camp wil hav....some was actually abit scary.But i managed well......The juniors would like hav theory @ nite while our seniors would hav main band.Cool...i would also like 2 hav main band @ nite...still no differ,we are @ underground, nt much differ fro havin main band in the mornin.... our theory teacher 4 the 1st night is Pearl and Pherenice!(lucky is seniors,ten more fun wat!lolz...)aft tat the juniors finish theory, We have Juniors' game.Seniors still havin main band.... We played scavenger hunt. I didnt expected tat they will hide the keys to the "prisoners'"locks in a place where we cant find easily...But soon....the seniors came out for break.yay:] Zhafri helped us,thanks!:p ltr i kana trick by Danial....well,Zhafri and him plan this....wish i did nt agree to go...
Ps:Celestine wen are u going to post the photos of e band camp!cant w8 to c...haha
aft the whole band camp, my sis and i gt to go hm earlier for my family renioun....oso celebrate my grandma birthday.:D I was surprise tat it was held in a yatch.It was called,Corsica.
kind of cant c well...
my youngest cousin!cute right?X3
haha, took a pic of him taking photo of me.well oso my cousin and her husband....
he tried to take photo of me...haha!
this was near the entrance of the hotel wen my family is nice!
Gtg,Fann,Coralite Galz:)