7:56 PM
 Lol....this is dedicated to my best buddy, theresa!!!She will kno why....:D today was quite okay la...we hav eng, lit.aft recess ten have bio, chinese and maths. My maths cher was going to leave soon.actually today was his last day......i think i gonna miss him...well we have somethin like class competition in groups. it was okay la. I am in the same team as Lee Jie(Monchichi), Khen Young, Jia En and Yun Ting. Aft sch, theresa and me went to find Miss Su to help us in maths and science. She was quite nice to help us!!!!thks alot Miss Su.(Although she does not even know my blog) Coralite Galz, Fann
8:49 PM
hey there~ haha i managed to get sometime off my revision to blog! Well....Today was quite normal as usaual. but my class had to stay back for like about 30 minutes for physics.Ben called my chinese name into something like leefengshan...... lol....lame xia.....wen my physic cher' called my res, I was like not realli listenin as i was dreamin as usual until my fren, Silvia who was sittin in front of me called me. omg this was wen i dreaded the most.....my boy classmates would like start teasin me bout dan...........wathehell....... I was like totally lost and did nt know how to ans to cher's question.but luckily my frens helped me. phew!heng xia! Every day was the same routine.i kana tease by my classmates about dan.......Omg. I really hope MYE was over so i can go to band again....haha! Cant w8 4 june holidays to come, so i can unite with my best buddies, meixin, christina and huimin and of course my dear 6.4 classmates!!! Hmm.......i reali wonder wen 6.4 will hold a class renioun.... Coralite Galz, Fann
9:02 PM
hies~ today was quite okay.... My sis and i wen 4 maths tution early in e morning. We reach there quite late so we expected tat the three other students wil be there alrd but there onli 1 o.o.... Well, as usual the tutor taught us algebra but later he start teachin us angle. Omg my angles were like shit!!! But as the teacher taught, i started to dream...WHY CANT I JUS CONCENTRATE?! now my algebra are gettin much better le! thks 2 al the ppl who help me. Aft tution, we went home lor...had lunch then i watch Zathur it was 1 of my fav movie. aft tat, i study................nw ten i blog hahax! gt to go make a cal! Coralit galz, Fann
6:13 PM
Heys~ Okay....today was quite alright.i have nt blog 4 quite long! we have chinese and eng b4 recess.aft recess, we have chemistry b4 assembly. today we have our chem test. it was okay.but i forget to study elements, compound and mixture!!!! shit la i duno weather i am gonna fail hope nt lor.we have chinese oral today. it was quite hard somethin about cancer or sickness? haha i spoke in broken chinese.my chinese sux lor!:]haiz...MYE comin le!How?i vry scare i flung le.... I miss band! wish mye over le ten can go band.....yeah!!!lolz.... lala....go do my hmw nw......xian.... zzzzzz....(sleepin...) Coralite Galz,Fann
5:48 PM
Hi everyone! thks 4 visitin and do tag before leavin!
7:56 PM
 Lol....this is dedicated to my best buddy, theresa!!!She will kno why....:D today was quite okay la...we hav eng, lit.aft recess ten have bio, chinese and maths. My maths cher was going to leave soon.actually today was his last day......i think i gonna miss him...well we have somethin like class competition in groups. it was okay la. I am in the same team as Lee Jie(Monchichi), Khen Young, Jia En and Yun Ting. Aft sch, theresa and me went to find Miss Su to help us in maths and science. She was quite nice to help us!!!!thks alot Miss Su.(Although she does not even know my blog) Coralite Galz, Fann
8:49 PM
hey there~ haha i managed to get sometime off my revision to blog! Well....Today was quite normal as usaual. but my class had to stay back for like about 30 minutes for physics.Ben called my chinese name into something like leefengshan...... lol....lame xia.....wen my physic cher' called my res, I was like not realli listenin as i was dreamin as usual until my fren, Silvia who was sittin in front of me called me. omg this was wen i dreaded the most.....my boy classmates would like start teasin me bout dan...........wathehell....... I was like totally lost and did nt know how to ans to cher's question.but luckily my frens helped me. phew!heng xia! Every day was the same routine.i kana tease by my classmates about dan.......Omg. I really hope MYE was over so i can go to band again....haha! Cant w8 4 june holidays to come, so i can unite with my best buddies, meixin, christina and huimin and of course my dear 6.4 classmates!!! Hmm.......i reali wonder wen 6.4 will hold a class renioun.... Coralite Galz, Fann
9:02 PM
hies~ today was quite okay.... My sis and i wen 4 maths tution early in e morning. We reach there quite late so we expected tat the three other students wil be there alrd but there onli 1 o.o.... Well, as usual the tutor taught us algebra but later he start teachin us angle. Omg my angles were like shit!!! But as the teacher taught, i started to dream...WHY CANT I JUS CONCENTRATE?! now my algebra are gettin much better le! thks 2 al the ppl who help me. Aft tution, we went home lor...had lunch then i watch Zathur it was 1 of my fav movie. aft tat, i study................nw ten i blog hahax! gt to go make a cal! Coralit galz, Fann
6:13 PM
Heys~ Okay....today was quite alright.i have nt blog 4 quite long! we have chinese and eng b4 recess.aft recess, we have chemistry b4 assembly. today we have our chem test. it was okay.but i forget to study elements, compound and mixture!!!! shit la i duno weather i am gonna fail hope nt lor.we have chinese oral today. it was quite hard somethin about cancer or sickness? haha i spoke in broken chinese.my chinese sux lor!:]haiz...MYE comin le!How?i vry scare i flung le.... I miss band! wish mye over le ten can go band.....yeah!!!lolz.... lala....go do my hmw nw......xian.... zzzzzz....(sleepin...) Coralite Galz,Fann
5:48 PM
Hi everyone! thks 4 visitin and do tag before leavin!
010795'. obsessed to Kpop.
Go crazy over Ri,Chunnie,Wonnie,Onew.
Jong, alex, eli and kiseop are my brother=X In love with Jessica!
Gans are LOVED.
I am crazy, so what:D
Much Thanks,
브라우저: 모질라 파이어 폭스 / Google 크롬
화면 해상도: 1280 엑스 800픽셀
숙주: 블로거
loveeee kpop!:D
imma crazy one!
simply love my gans<3,
and i do have some awesome brothers:x!
Do link me on binguelbinguelkissme.tumblr too!:D
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